Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Sox Fan

This Red Sox fan has just three words for Manny...Glad You Stayed!
And for the rest of the roster, let's get another One!!!!

Traveling With the Family

Today, the family and I returned home from a trip to southern GA to attend the wedding of my wife's cousin. It was about a 6 hour trip with a 5 year old and an almost 3 year old. Unbelievably, the children weren't the problem. It was the weather. It started out perfectly clear, although it was 98° outside. As we traveled down the highway, the sky began to darken with sort of a purplish tint. Having experienced and survived one tornado, I tend to be a little uneasy and nervous in inclement weather of a rainy and windy nature. Traveling at 70 MPH, the legal speed of HWY we were on, all of a sudden a torrential downpour struck. Everyone slowed immediately to about 45 MPH. We had to because we couldn't see 15 feet in front of us. This slowing, in itself, practicaly caused 5 wrecks. The rain lasted about 10 minutes of white-knuckled tenseness. After the 10 minutes, the rain would stop, and back to 70 we'd all be. Then once comfortable, the downpour would start again, then stop after a while. This continued for the entire 6 hour trip.
Once we arrived at our destination, we had to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. My wife and I dressed beautifully and the children were picturesque. 2 minutes before loading into the car, you'll never guess.....yep, it started raining. Monsoon-type raining. This happened the next day at the wedding, too, only with more rain, and we were looking even more stunning. Being the husband that I am, my wife and children only suffered minimal moisture damage during the weekend (hairdo's not included). I retreived and held umbrellas and opened doors. My wife lost a silk shirt to rain-devils. Other than that, no other injuries were recorded.
The ride home was fairly uneventful. We stopped at an outlet mall for some what-we-thought-would-be quick shopping. Yeah, right. *Note to self: Never go to an outlet mall near closing time, on Sunday, during a NO-TAX weekend, with 2 children that are ready to get home. That trip to the mall is in the running for the stupidest thing I've ever done, along side taking home a big screen TV in the open-bed of a pick-up truck, in the pouring rain, with no box. Man, what is it with me and the rain?
And now, we're HOME SWEET HOME

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


My colleagues and I get on these weird, ordinary-life discussions. Today, while doing paperwork at my desk, I asked the question of why are they called Magic Markers? What magical properties do they posses? With it, can I levitate my office chair, or make my paperwork disappear, or saw my desk in half then put it back together? One suggestion was "Magic" was a brand name, like Sharpie. That's probably the answer. The other conclusion, which makes more sense to me, is that it's name was derived from it's own properties. If anyone, who has ever worked in an environment with more than one person has noticed, if you have a marker and put it down, *POOF*, it magically disappears.....Hence the term, Magic Marker. Yeah, that's got to be it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

things that make you go hmmm

Since living in the south, I've become immune to a lot of unusual behavior. Furniture on front porches, broken-down cars in front yards, Christmas icicle lights that are up year-round, things of that nature. However, I saw something today that I could not explain. Driving this morning, I passed a property that had a single-wide trailer on it. In front of the trailer, in the yard, was a fairly-attractive sitting area. It had been edged and lined with rocks. Inside the sitting area appeared to be freshly-purchased mulch and tastefully placed wrought iron furniture. But next to the furniture was the unexplainable object. It was an exercise bike. That's what I said, an exercise bike. Nothing else was around to give me an impression that it may not work or that it was an item for an upcoming yard sale. I have no idea why this struck me as so odd. Not too many things make me ask myself, out loud mind you, "What the hell?" This did.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


This is a test to determine if my computer skills are still as evident as they used to be. It seems that my mother, who was scared to death of a computer just 4 years ago, knows more about these damned things than I do now.